I’m sure that you, like me, may have occasionally bought too much food. Have you ever been given a load of apples or vegetables just after you’ve done the shopping?
We often end up with leftovers after the weekend, particularly if we’ve had friends or family visiting.

In the UK, a staggering 65% of us buy too much food, with bread and potatoes being at the top of the list.
As a business, we pride ourselves on being super careful about using every scrap of fabric and packaging that we can, always keeping our impact on the planet in mind.
This thought has helped to inspire our range of eco kitchen products. We developed them to help with food storage and to reduce the need to use plastic.
With the holiday season ahead of us it seemed like a good time to share these products and ideas with you.

Top tip No 1: Store Food Properly
Check what you already have. I sometimes buy in bulk and put things at the top of cupboards and then forget about them. Knowing what you have already is a good place to start so that you don’t buy too much.

Top tip No 2: Shop with a Plan
Always make a list and try to stick to it. This will avoid spontaneous purchases and never shop when you are hungry if you can help it!

Top tip No 3: Buy Local
Try to use food that is in season and grown or made close to where you live if you can. The food should be fresher and should last longer, giving you more time to eat it up.

Top tip No 4: Creatively repurpose food
There are lots of great recipes online to use up leftover food. Or if you have a fruit glut, create multiple pies, puddings, jelly and chutney.
My favourite this week is Pumpkin Coconut Curry; this recipe is posted on our Instagram and Facebook pages - follow us and eat your Pumpkin this week!

Top tip No 4: Share with Friends and Neighbours
Gift food to friends or neighbours if you go on holiday or do just buy more than you need. Almost no one will turn down an unopened pack of cheese, still in date.
Or, give it to one of the many food banks or charities that support people in need of food. My local favourite, Café Abundance, collects surplus food from local suppliers and makes it into meals for people who need it. They also run a great café where you pay what you feel the lunch was worth. If you live or visit this gorgeous part of Cornwall check them out or look for a similar scheme in your area.
What are your top tips for reducing food waste? I’d love to hear from you. It might also inspire another useful product to help us all store our food well, use it up and together help to reduce food waste.
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