Bread Pudding Recipe
There are those lovely old recipes that have been passed down through generations and this is certainly one of them. I've adapted it a little bit to give it an added boozy touch and a festive feel. Serve it with a dollop of thick clotted cream or equally delicious eaten on its own. I have lovely memories of my Nana in her kitchen making bread pudding. It was always my job to sprinkle the sugar on the top. The test was to then try and keep as much sugar on the top of the pudding as you took your first bite! The recipe, now passed on to my Mum is a cake tin staple, moist and full of fruit, it is definitely a favourite. So pop on an apron and give it a go!
500g of bread (I use whatever is left over in the Bread Bag... it doesn't have to be fresh!) 500g dried fruit 100g glace cherries 1tsp dried cinnamon Couple grates of nutmeg 600g milk (can be soy or cows milk) 100g melted butter 2 eggs 3tbsp sweet sherry 150g sugar (I use muscovado but can be any) Demerara sugar for sprinkling on top!

How to...
- Place the bread in a large bowl and tear up into bite size chunks. I use a pair of scissors and randomly chop!
- In a jug, beat the eggs well, add in the milk and combine.
- Pour the beaten egg and milk mixture over the bread.
- In a separate bowl, add the dried fruit and whole cherries, then pour over the sherry or alcohol of choice. Give it a good stir.
- Combine the well soaked bread and fruit.
- In a small pan, melt the butter and sugar. Pour over the bread and fruit mixture and stir well.
- Grease and line a square baking tin. I use my brownie tin for this.... approx 20cm square.
- Tip the mixture into the lined tin, push down firmly and sprinkle with the demerara sugar.
Bake at 180 degrees, gas 4 for about 95minutes. Check after an hour to make sure that the top isn't burning. If it's looking a bit brown, cover with foil. Once'll be firm and golden in colour, remove from the oven and cut into squares. Serve warm with a big dollop of Roddas Cornish Cream , or pop a portion in a Reusable Snack Bag to save for another day!

Why not try our very easy, Cornish Hevva Cake .....another delicious traditional recipe perfect for eating with cream!!
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What do I do with the cinnamon and nutmeg – sprinkle it on top?
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