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Stories from the Studio

Meet the Garrison Gallery - One of Our New Neighbours at Maker Heights

Meet the Garrison Gallery - One of Our New Neighbours at Maker Heights

As part of our move to Maker Heights, we thought you might be interested to find out about some of the businesses that are already on site and form part of the fascinating creative community that we are so happy to join.

Today we feature the Garrison Gallery who are helping to make our Grand Opening Celebration special.  They'll be mixing up a delicious mocktail for our guests on 20th August - we can't wait!
Transitions In Nature Exhibition at the Garrison Gallery

Run by Amanda and Andy Knights, the Garrison is an exciting community art gallery and social hub based in the Barrack Block at Maker Heights. Now in it's third year, it's busy carving out a space for itself as a cocktail bar and gallery with a purpose. 

Brother Jack, Live in the Gallery

Amanda explains: "Garrison Gallery is an art gallery, a cocktail bar and a social space, with the express purpose of aiding in the preservation of community and the creative arts at Maker Heights. It is a community hub first and foremost, an outlet for artists, musicians, and all humans to come, unwind, experience, laugh, let loose, and feel safe to be who they are."

Girl Friday Open Mic

One Of The Best Bars in Cornwall

Together with their sister space Patchwork Studios, which offers an adjoining event space and youth music lab, the Garrison and Patchwork have given opportunities to hundreds of artists, comedians, poets and musicians and have welcomed thousands of people through their doors.  This year the Garrison earned runner up spot of Best Bar in Cornwall 2023 - and it was very close!

Drag Queen Quiz

They've hosted community Christmas markets for local artisans to sell their crafts, themed cocktail nights and have provided a space for local artists to exhibit their work.

Christmas Market at The Garrison Gallery

Tricia Stubberfield Exhibition

Delicious Drinks

Alongside poetry readings, stand up, open mic evenings, quizzes and themed evenings, in collaboration with Patchwork Studios, sit the delicious and inspired cocktails devised by Amanda.

Cocktails and More
Amanda's expertise and love of cocktails comes from time spent working in California.  She's translated her skills to create delicious drinks that suit her environment, often inspired by Garrison run events from Hogwarts to Halloween, a delicious Buttered Rum to celebrate the Christmas Market and the Wonderland inspired cocktail "Off With Her Head" pictured below.
Off With Her Head: Wonderland Inspired Cocktail
Maker Heights is a stone's throw from the famous south west coast path and one of this year's signature cocktails is 'The Coast Path'.  In Amanda's words:  "this particular cocktail is inspired by our luscious southwest coast path and the abundant gorse flowers that grow wild along it - organic seaweed gin, coconut water, pineapple, agave, elderflower, gorse flowers and other such loveliness. If there’s such a thing as an alcoholic bev that feels good on your body, this is a refreshing and hydrating contender. "
The Coast Path

Sober Sundays

Acknowledging that not everyone can or wants to drink alcohol, the Garrison Gallery has recently embarked on monthly sober-friendly events.  Amanda says: "Every 3rd Sunday we’re pulling all of the booze off the shelves and focusing our attention on all our delicious alcohol-free offerings! We’ve got alcohol free beers, Prosecco, mocktails, and specialty mocks of some of our favourites including  Fancy Pants, Coast Path, Vapor Wave, Dark & Stormy.  All scrummy. All alcohol free! What could be better? Let’s go."

Mocktail for Sober Sundays

Amanda continues: "A big part of our mission at the Garrison Gallery is to provide a safe space for every person who walks through our doors. Part of that means supporting each individual in their journey with or without alcohol and meeting people where they’re at, while providing quality options and alternatives. We celebrate & showcase our alcohol-free mocktails & craft beers just as proudly as we do with their stronger counterparts. We love how Pentire Non Alcohol Spirits blend seamlessly into our lovingly crafted drinks to provide our sober guests with the same wow factor and enjoyment as all the rest.

Pentire Non Alcoholic Range of Spirits
I love spending time at The Garrison and am hugely grateful to Andy, Amanda and their team in providing such a wonderful supportive environment for the arts and the community locally.  
The Garrison Gallery & Keith Crocker Exhibition
If you're in the area, don't miss the opportunity to pay a visit to the Garrison Gallery.
If you're coming to our Shop & Studio Grand Opening on 20th August, you'll have the opportunity to taste one of Amanda's excellent mocktails with us and then afterwards in the Gallery from 2pm - 6pm.
Don't forget to book your place here.
All images have used, with permission, from the Garrison Gallery Instagram feed. Art Gallery Shots by Dom Moore.

I'd love to hear your thoughts or comments on our move to Maker or any of the products in our range.  You can email me or post your comments on social media; find us on Facebook or Instagram.

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